Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reflections on a messy house and Primary

I just heard a talk in sacrament meeting by a friend of mine. She and her husband sppoke about their marriage and family. She was so funny. She talked about the primary theme for the month..Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God. D&C 88:119 She talked about how when the Bishopric came to extend a call there was blood smeared on the walls because one of her little ones had just bumped into the wall. There was stuff all over the place and it was embarrrassing to her. She talked about how hard it is sometimes to be organized, so when she saw the theme she felt disheartened. But, as she and many of us stopped to examine that scripture we were enlightened. All that the compulsive person might see is the part where it says a house of order, but all of the things that come before that are what determine if your house is a house of order and therefore a house of God. I like the part that says a house of glory In sharing time a sister mentioned that it means joy, so I looked it up among other definitions that are quite similar, I found the following; the splendor and bliss of heaven; perfect happiness, enjoyment. This is what I strive for and to be honest sometimes it's loud and there's lots of crying. My home has always been open to my neighbors they stop by and if it's messy so be it. I have a dear friend that is 51years young and she and I do turbo jam and hip hop abs together. She's told me not to worry if it's messy. She remembers those years when she too had a bunch of kids running around.
I love to teach primary and I love the kids. I remember last year these twins that were in my class asked if I could come play. For a moment they forgot I was their teacher. That made me so happy and honored. They came here to play with the kids and we had a great time. I have another little boy this year he had been asking to come over, but we were sick for over a month. He loves to play with Harold. He came over a couple of weeks ago and had a graet time. I don't think he cared that it was messy because he felt love in our home. He and his little sister live with their aunt because their parents just can't do it. He had been acting up in class. The Sunday after he visited he was reverent and during sharing time he sat by me and held my arm and I felt his love and he knew that I love him. My joy was full just like the Savior's joy was full when he came to the Americas and he wept because of the love that he felt for the Nephites and Lamanites and the love they felt for him. I have been told by Our Stake President that the love he feels in our home is not common. We are different. So, yes it makes me sad sometimes that is is not all neat and organized, but We have love , a roof over our heads , food to eat, and a husband that provides, presides and protects us. I do my part to nurture my children. They are loved and they are taught not out of compulsion but because that is who I am. I have probably spent way too much time typing this up when I could have been cleaning, but I wanted to get this down because I wasn't going to write it on paper. This is much easier. Well we're gonna get ready for Our Blue and Gold Dinner now. I have to find some Mexican decorations for it. I'll proof read this later and make any gramatical or spelling corrections then.

1 comment:

  1. I can't say I always have the cleanest home either, I have come to the conclusion that as long as the toilet is clean when guests come over I am in good shape:) That's why I like summer I just send everyone outside and it doesn't matter what the inside looks like.
    Awhile ago I was reading in the Achieving a Celestial Marriage book and there was something in there that really hit me(now that I wanted to quote it I can't find it) it went something like we(mother's) don't need to be and cannot be teachers, maids, taxi drivers, mothers and so on all at the same time it's impossible.
    I wish I could find it so I could quote it exactly but it made me think that when my house is a mess or my kids are still in there PJ's at noon it means I am just doing a different role in motherhood and I don't have to do them all at they same time. I hope that made sense. It just gave me a lot comfort.
