Friday, March 13, 2009

spring projects

It snowed again on Monday. It was horrible! We went to Starr's house to visit because Helen's family was in town. It is scary to drive in the snow , especially at night.
The weather cleared up and we have had a great week. We had a good time visiting with the Porters and are glad to have more family moving here soon. It increases our chances of doing family activities.
This was a regular week. Harold had a friend over and hey went to scouts together. There's a family who has lots of birds and they went to their house for cubscouts. We've been studying zoology for over a year now so we are very interested in birds. We put a bird feeder out and are constantly filling it up. All the berries have been picked off the arborvitae birds and we're glad to provide some nourishment for our feathered friends.
The imposssibly easy cheeseburger pie turned out delicious. This week we are making dessert. Our friend makes an awesome pineapple cake. I think we'll do that.
So my friend Judy and I have been doing hip hop abs for a few weeks now and I just got some wrist weights. We've been doing the total body workout and we love it. My main problem is that i love food. The times that i have lost the most weight, I have totally restricted myself and I feel that it's no way to live. That means that I have to exercise a lot more. I'm looking forward to doing some heavy gardening this year. I'm also going to get out on a trike. I think I'm getting an aqua colored one. I wanted a pink one but then Harold wouldn't ever want to use it. I'm so glad he learned to ride a bike lasst year.
It sounds like Ashley is working all day tomorrow. I still have a bunch of painting to do. I'm also fixing up the kids bathroom downstairs. Then I'll move on to the piano room and other bathroom downstairs. This year I have vowed to put in a beautiful backsplash in my kitchen and we are going to put in arches downstairs and finish the crown moulding. I don't know when this will get done this year but slowly but surely it will get done one project at a time. We won't work on our room until we put a patio down in the back we want to put a hot tub right outside our room so we would put in some french dooors where the window is at. This is at least a couple years away. It's nothing too expensive just very time consuming. It's exciting. I think that we are putting in our huge workshop this year too. It will be great to have the extra space in the garage for my projects eventually.
I am so excited for our bulbs to open up. It takes a lot of faith to plant something in the fall. The kids are excited to see the beautiful flowers also.
Well We're going to do our science lesson and put more bird seed out now. For the two of you that read this have a good weekend!

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